Certified carbon neutral since 2016

Carbon neutral means taking action to reduce and remove as much carbon from the atmosphere as an organisation puts into it.

The University was certified as a carbon neutral organisation in 2017 (for its 2016 greenhouse gas inventory) by the Commonwealth Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard. To achieve carbon neutral certification, organisations must:

  • Measure and reduce emissions where possible. Read the Greenhouse gas emissions page to find out more about our initiatives in this area.
  • Offset remaining emissions. Offset projects selected deliver benefits to the Tasmania community and to regions from which our international students originate, and provide co-benefits aligning with the University’s values.
  • Publicly report on their carbon neutrality. You can find the University’s Public Disclosure Statements in the Climate Active certified organisations webpage, and the latest University's carbon inventory in the Greenhouse gas emissions page.
  • Undertake independent validation (i.e. audit or verification) by an environmental auditor or carbon consultant at least once every three years.

What is Climate Active?

Climate Active is a partnership between the Australian Government and Australian businesses to drive voluntary climate action.

Climate Active certification is awarded to businesses and organisations that have achieved a state of net zero emissions, including direct and indirect emissions, otherwise known as carbon neutrality.

What does carbon neutral mean?

Carbon neutral means taking action to reduce and remove as much carbon from the atmosphere as an organisation puts into it. Being carbon neutral means that an organisation has a carbon footprint equal to zero.

We have reduced our carbon footprint to zero.

How does an organisation become carbon neutral?

We reduce our carbon emissions as much as possible every year and then invest in projects that reduce or remove emissions from the atmosphere. Overall our emissions equal zero or are ‘neutral’.

We are proud to say that our organisation is Climate Active. We have made choices and changes in the way we do business to ensure our carbon emissions are equal to zero.

Get involved

Sustainability is an opportunity across all aspects of our activity — learning and teaching, research, community engagement and operations.

Whether you are a future student, industry partner or a member of our community, find out what role you can play in our shared mission.

Learn more