Right to information

From time to time the University receives requests for assessed disclosures of information related to its operations and decision-making. You can access responses to these requests here.

Information released under assessed disclosures

The University may publish information released in response to a request for assessed disclosure of information made under the Right to Information Act 2009. This information will be accessible via the disclosure log below. In addition to assessed disclosure, the University routinely and actively publishes information in the public interest such as information relating to the University move to the Hobart CBD at Building our Hobart University presence since 2007.

Certain information released in response to Right to Information requests will be published online quarterly. This log applies to applications received after 1 January 2022.

This approach makes information released to an applicant available to a wider audience and increases transparency and accountability.
Applicants should note that:

  • if they seek and are granted a waiver of the application fee based on general public interest, and it is determined that the information is in the broader public interest, publication of the released information is likely;
  • their identity will not be published. The category of applicant will be published, i.e. University of Tasmania Staff member, media representative, private individual;
  • a summary of the application will be published. This gives context to the nature of the released information; and
  • only information that is considered to be in the broader public interest will be published, not requests for personal information.

Disclosure log

Published date Category of applicant Summary of request Information released
22/06/2023 Private Individual Copies of documentation related to the proposed relocation of the University into the Hobart CBD.
22/06/2023 Private Individual University Council minutes relating to the Hobart City Move.
22/06/2023 Private individual Total costs paid by the University associated with the ‘Vote Yes’ to the City Move campaign.
  • TOTAL: $552,133.70
22/06/2023 Private individual Information relating to the appointment of Professor Rufus Black as Vice-Chancellor.
22/06/2023 Private Individual Requests for data relating to the decision-making and consequences of the COVID vaccination mandate for University staff. Risk assessments relating to the mandate's implementation and details on medical exemptions that have been applied.

Positive COVID Cases reported from 2/01/2022 – 20/08/2022

1,217 Staff, 1,800 Students,11 Contractors

22/06/2023 Private Individual Records relating to overseas visits/tours by University of Tasmania officers to the UniversCities conference and overseas universities. Total cost of travel: $94,455.75
22/12/2023 Private Individual Conflict of Interest register for University Council members and Information relating to the Green Bonds project.