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IAP Academic Writing

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Introductory Academic Program

Academic Writing
Climate Change

Climate change can have major destructive impacts on human lives and natural systems. To name a few, such impacts include heat waves, wild fires, droughts, floods, hurricanes and rising sea levels. In many parts of the world, peoples' lives have already been affected by these impacts. Scientists have spent decades researching to identify the causes of climatic change. Many people and governments are keen to work towards a solution to reduce the impact of climate change.

In what ways has climate change affected your country? What do you think are the major causes for these changes? Has the government of your country or any environmental protection organisation done anything to reduce the impact of climate change?

Based on the topic of the writing task, prepare an annotated bibliography of three peer-reviewed journal articles of 500 - 600 words.

For each of the  articles chosen, begin with the bibliographic details of the source followed by a brief annotation. Each annotation should be concise. Write in full sentences and use academic vocabulary. Make sure you follow your faculty’s preferred citation style.


  • Word processed
  • Minimum 2.5 c.m. left-hand margin and 1.5 pt. line spacing, with minimum 12 point font
  • Printed on one side only, all pages numbered
  • Proof-read (i.e. checked for spelling errors and grammatical mistakes)

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Attribution information
Title: Student Learning - IAP - Academic Writing
Author: Lucy Sun