
Studying a degree in Business will give you the knowledge and skills to take your passion and develop it into a career.

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Bachelor of Business

Learn from the experts

Learn from local business leaders in Tasmania and abroad through guest lectures and current business case studies.

Fast-track your studies

Complete your studies in two years with our accelerated study periods.

Gain hands-on experience

Gain practical work experience and expand your career horizons with our Business Placements Program.

Gain lifelong skills that prepare you for a thriving career across an ever shifting business environment

The Bachelor of Business is built around fostering entrepreneurial thinking, analytical skills and innovation, so you’ll graduate with a real edge in your chosen industry and knowledge that doesn’t expire.

Core units in topics such as data analysis, entrepreneurship, corporate law, strategy, and social responsiblity provide you with the underpinning principals of business and help develop general workplace skills.

You will then choose a business major to specialise your studies. In the elective space of your degree, you can choose to study individual units that you find interesting from anywhere in the University. You can also use this space to study a second business major, or another major from elsewhere in the University, providing expansion of knowledge and complementary skills to help you in your future career.

Study options in this degree

A major is an area of focus in your degree. During your studies, you’ll choose an area that interests you, and then study a group of units related to that area. You also have the option to to utilise elective space in this degree to study a second major, which you can source from this degree, or elsewhere in the University, such as the new major in Sustainability. Find out more at What is a Major?

Accountants work in every industry. They help in managing all aspects of a business and provide tailored advice not only on financial matters but also on budgeting, strategic  planning, data analysis, tax, auditing and sustainability to ensure organisational accountability. We are accredited with both CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand to ensure your experience and studies are globally recognised.

Your studies will equip you with in-demand and job-specific skills in accounting so that you're ready to enter the workforce. You’ll have the opportunity to utilise work-integrated learning opportunities to build your hands-on experience and important soft-skills, ensuring you graduate with the industry exposure  to match your knowledge.

Learn to use data to make informed business decisions. Your studies will include building foundational programming skills for business analytics and developing knowledge on the business context and various applications of analytics in a range of business scenarios. Business analytics is an exciting and emerging discipline that combines technology-related skills with business acumen. The business analytics major will provide you with practical hands-on experience working with the latest technologies in data analytics, alongside key soft-skills.

You will develop strengths in programming, data modelling, data analysis, data visualization and data storytelling within a business context. Focused on analysing data in a business context, the major will equip you with the skills needed to thrive in today’s data-driven world.

Economists study big questions facing people, organisations, and the world. This major exposes you to Tasmania's growing industries and the current economic climate. It teaches you to understand complex markets including energy, agriculture, and tourism. Guided by leading researchers, you'll work on real-world issues using actual data. Studying Business Economics provides a framework for solving complex problems in various settings.

You'll gain analytical, technical, communication, and professional skills, engage with mentors, economists, and the business community in and out of the classroom, and attend events with influential speakers from government and industry experts.

Our Finance major builds analytical and inquisitive thinking, equipping you not just with a strong technical understanding of finance, but a well-rounded philosophy to view the world through. You’ll comprehend how banking and financial institutions operate, along with financial planning, digital finance, investment analysis, corporate and international finance. Studying finance equips you with the skills and knowledge necessary to build a successful finance career.

You will study real world applications of financial and investment decision making, corporate advisory and investment banking. Local and global industry leaders enhance the learning experience by contributing their insights in lectures and webinars throughout your studies. Our excellent team of educators goes beyond theory to explore the challenges encountered in financial markets. Finance major graduates are therefore prepared with high-level analytical and problem-solving skills to succeed in this complex and dynamic industry.

Maximise the value of your industry-specific skills by fasttracking your career and graduate ready for a managerial position within the private, public and community sectors. Gain industry-specific business skills in Hospitality Management so you are ready to enter the contemporary business workforce in a managerial position within private, public and/ or community sector enterprises.

NOTE: This major is only available for those who have completed a diploma or advanced diploma (or equivalent) in Hospitality and want to enhance their business skills to lead teams, manage organisations or start their own enterprise.

All businesses, from large corporations to small start-ups, need to be managed well to succeed. People are a key driver of this success. In the Management of People and Organisations major, you’ll learn about how the changing nature of how work influences people, how organisations behave, how we communicate with staff and stakeholders, the management of human resources, and how leaders can make change.

With a range of work- integrated learning opportunities, you'll discover how to manage people and organisations in traditional, remote, and precarious contexts. You’ll get hands on experience with corporate internships, industry guest lectures, real world business case studies, and activity based classes.

Our marketing major is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in today's dynamic business environment. You will delve into the fundamental concepts of marketing, exploring market research, consumer behaviour, branding, advertising, and strategic planning. By combining theoretical frameworks with practical applications in social media and digital marketing, we aim to empower you with the tools to excel in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Our experienced faculty and industry experts will guide you through real-world case studies and hands-on projects, providing the necessary skills and insights to thrive in marketing industry.

Fast track your studies and set yourself up for a successful career in the tourism sector. You’ll develop your depth of understanding of best practices in tourism management, and recognise the value of research, critical thinking and effective communication to set you up for working in the tourism sector. You will gain job-specific skills in management and business to allow you to enter the workforce in a managerial position, putting your skills into practice, not only doing what you love but also allowing you to instill your passion for tourism through fantastic management practices into your peers.

The units you will complete will complement your industry-specific knowledge and allow you to grow and develop your already existing tourism knowledge, particularly for the Tasmanian and Australian ways of business.

NOTE: This major is only available for those who have done a diploma or advanced diploma (or equivalent) in Tourism Management and want to enhance their business skills to lead teams, manage organisations or start their own enterprise.

Further study options

For honours course information, please visit the Bachelor of Business with Honours.

Please visit the Business Studies and Business Administration pages to view postgraduate study options.

Add sustainability to your degree

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we have created a complementary, optional major available across most of our flexible bachelor's degrees.

In the major, explore interdisciplinary knowledge and skills that underpin the development of sustainable societies and solutions. Informed by international and local research, practice, and theory, this major allows you to develop specialist expertise across the physical and social sciences and humanities, emphasising student-led and problem-based learning.

It provides the frameworks for developing sustainability-oriented solutions in a range of fields and is relevant to a wide range of careers.

Find out more about what you'll study, entry requirements, fees and scholarships - and to apply.

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Career opportunities

Careers requiring business skills are growing fast, with employers demanding formal qualifications. Some of the careers projected to grow into 2026: ^


Management and
Organisational Analysts

Labour Market Insights five year projections from November 2021 to November 2026


Advertising and
Marketing Professionals

Labour Market Insights five year projections from November 2021 to November 2026


Finance Manangers

Labour Market Insights five year projections from November 2021 to November 2026

^ National Skills Commission five year projections from November 2021 to November 2026.

Find yourself real world ready | Bachelor of Business (Accelerated)

Find a faster path

Annabel found she could complete her degree in just two years.

“I was always interested in studying marketing and advertising, and so the Bachelor of Business was the avenue to do that."

Annabel Lauder,  Bachelor of Business (Accelerated)