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Inflammation and Healing Worksheet

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Inflammation and Healing Worksheet

Slide 3:

Inflammation and healing questions slide 3

Learning objectives:

a) Identify the microscopic features of exudate rich in fibrin
b) Identify the presence of granulation response following tissue damage

This slide shows Acute inflammation whose characteristics are:

1. Abundant amount of exudate comprised by fibrin, viable and degenerate

2. On the margin of the necrotic area the organization response is occurring, defined
by the presence of fibroblasts, proliferating small blood vessels, neutrophils, and
macrophages. Lymphocytes and plasma cells are also present.

  • If you saw the exudate macroscopically, how would you call it? From where does the
    fibrin originate and what is its role in inflammation?
  • How would you call this pathological process? Explain the presence of the cells
    identified here.
Slide 8:

Inflammation and healing slide 8

Learning objectives:

a) Recognise the morphological features of coagulative necrosis
b) Identify cellular hypertrophy
c) Identify areas of healing with scar formation

The following characteristics are elements of tissue damage and repair:
1. Coagulative necrosis – eosinophilic areas, with little or no nuclear evidence;
2. Neutrophilic infiltration – demonstrating acute inflammatory response;
3. Dense connective tissue – acellular areas, exemplifying the scar tissue formation;
4. Organisation – neo-angiogenesis, oedema, and infiltration by macrophages and
5. Hypertrophy – enlarged cardio-myocytes (square-like appearance).

  • Why is the process named coagulative necrosis? Name the most likely cause.
  • What type of tissue repair can you identify here?

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Attribution information
Title: Inflammation and Healing Worksheet
Author: Dr Dwight Assenheimer