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Reserve Collection

How many items can I book?

  • You can have up to 5 bookings at any time.
    Tip: 2 hour items may be booked for a two hour period unless it is within 2 hours of closing time, then they can be booked overnight.
  • Remember you can borrow two 2 hour and two 24 hour reserve items at any one time.
  • If you are a Non-UTAS Borrower you are unable to borrow reserve items, Royal Hobart Hospital staff excepted.

How do I book?

Want to advance book a Reserve item (2 hour and 24 hour loan items)?

  1. Search the Library Catalogue
  2. Click on the title of the item you want to book
  3. Select Book Reserve Item button
    (Remember that not all items on reading lists are on Reserve and bookable)
  4. Enter your ID number from your UTAS ID card and your Library PIN(Need a PIN - select Don't know your PIN? to create one)
  5. Select a date and a 2 hr time period (or 24 hr loan period if the items is available for 24 hr loan)
  6. Click Submit. You may also be asked to select a location when there are copies of items at different reserve locations.
  7. Protect your account - always Logout

When will my items be available?

Your Reserve item should be available to borrow at the time you have booked it.

Booked items not collected within 15 mins of the booking time, may be cancelled by Library staff and made available to others.

Flexible Library Service arrangements

Flexible Library Service clients are able to request scans of chapters or contents pages from Reserve items using the Request a scanned copy form.

Remember all requests for scans are subject to Copyright limits