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What does the future of industry in Tasmania look like?

Architecture and Design, University of Tasmania is continuing to work with industry partners on real-world projects at the leading-edge of technology in design.

Last week, A&D staff were part of a team behind a demonstration project at the Tasmanian Architecture Awards in Hobart which saw an intricate brick structure constructed in only a few hours, using A&D’s Augmented Reality headsets and Fologram software. The same team is also doing design-research at the Royal Hobart Hospital building site where AR is being used to deliver a series of complex brickwork structures in real-world conditions.

Hear what A&D Lecturer Dr Mark Sawyer has to say about the way AR is already impacting on the design, construction, and manufacturing industries, as well as insights into the possible implications for the future of work in Tasmania.

For more information, contact:

Dr Mark Sawyer, YouTube video