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Research into community expectations of Korongee

A team of researchers at the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre have been working closely with local community members, Korongee staff, people living with dementia and their family members, to find out about expectations of the village model.

Earlier this year, while the village was still being built, we talked with 12 people living and working in the local community to explore what people have heard about Korongee and what expectations they have for the village. People came to the group discussions with a range of experiences and backgrounds. Overall, people are excited about Korongee as an opportunity to care for and support people living with dementia in an innovative way. They hope the village will be a vibrant, enjoyable and safe place to be where residents are supported to live a ‘normal’ life. Participants shared many ideas about how we can build connections between the village and the surrounding community. They also see a need for more dementia education in the community so that people feel more confident interacting with people living with dementia in the village.

Here is some of what the community had to say:

Now that Korongee is open we are talking to staff, residents and their family members who are sharing some of their early experiences with us.

Research team: Dr Laura Tierney, Dr Helen Courtney-Pratt, Dr Kathleen Doherty, A/Prof Juanita Breen