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Aged Care Workers and Managers Wanted!

Despite the need to develop the dementia care workforce, it is not clear which training interventions best enhance workers’ capacity, reduce turnover and improve care outcomes. We want to explore the ideas of those working in aged and dementia care about future care delivery and workplace supports.

Researchers at the Wicking Dement Centre are seeking input on the design of a new workforce program called Work4Dementia. Care workers and managers in both community-based and residential aged care organisations in Australia are invited to participate. If you decide to volunteer to participate, we will ask you to complete:

  • a brief survey (approx. 20 minutes) about your job role and your workplace
  • an interview (approx. 40 minutes) to provide feedback on the design of the new training intervention. Interviews will be held in the coming months, either by phone or online using Zoom.

If you would like to contribute or want more information, please contact our team on (03) 6226 4780 or e-mail

If you know someone who is an aged care worker or manager and may be interested in providing feedback on the Work4Dementia program, please feel free to tell them about this opportunity.