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11 Educational Partnerships


Authority to approve articulation arrangements that do (or do not) involve credit with domestic educational institutions.

Executive Dean
11.1.2Authority to approve articulation arrangements that do (or do not) involve credit with overseas educational institutions.Executive Dean

Authority to approve curricula in articulation agreements that do (or do not) involve credit.

Executive Dean
11.1.4Authority to sign articulation agreements with domestic partners.Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education)
11.1.5Authority to sign articulation agreements with overseas partners.Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education)

Authority to sign study abroad agreements on behalf of the University.

Executive Director Recruitment and Engagement
11.2.2Authority to sign overseas student exchange agreements on behalf of the University.Executive Director Recruitment and Engagement

Authority to sign student placement agreements between the University and Government agencies (e.g., Department of Education) – multiple sites, ongoing.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education)
11.3.2Authority to sign student placement agreements between the University and individual institutions (e.g., a private hospital) – multiple sites, ongoing.Executive Dean
11.3.3Authority to sign annual student placement agreements (e.g., with a single social work practitioner or small business).Head of Academic Unit
11.3.4Authority to sign Higher Degree by Research candidate placement agreements on behalf of the University.Pro Vice-Chancellor  for Graduate Research

Authority to approve entry into third party teaching arrangement for an award course.

Academic Senate
11.4.2Authority to sign domestic third-party teaching agreements on behalf of the University.Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education)

Authority to sign overseas third-party teaching agreements on behalf of the University.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education)

Authority to sign joint award agreements on behalf of the University.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education)

11.5.2Authority to sign new or renew expired joint Higher Degree by Research agreements on behalf of the University.Pro Vice-Chancellor  for Graduate Research
11.5.3Authority to approve a testamur for a jointly-badged award.Council

Authority to sign dual award agreements on behalf of the University.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education)
11.6.2Authority to sign new or renew expired dual Higher Degree by Research agreements on behalf of the University.Pro Vice-Chancellor  for Graduate Research
11.6.3Authority to modify the examination process for an Higher Degree by Research candidates enrolled in a dual Higher Degree by Research.Pro Vice-Chancellor  for Graduate Research

Authority to sign courseware licensing agreements on behalf of the University.

University Librarian

11.7.2Authority to approve the use of third-party learning technologies (such as Studiosity).Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education)

Authority to sign cross-institutional academic benchmarking agreements.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)