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BP Absence from PEP

If for any reason a Bachelor of Paramedicine student is absent from their professional experience placement (PEP), this form must be completed, and once submitted will be forwarded to the Professional Experience Placement Team. It is a course requirement that 100% attendance is achieved for all professional experience placements.

The attendance requirement for PEPs is set at 100% to ensure that students have optimum exposure to the learning environment. Students are not automatically permitted to make-up missed PEP time. If a student has missed any of the allocated PEP time for any reason, including illness or extenuating circumstances, a certificate from a health care provider must be uploaded to this portal.  Students may be required to repeat the unit of study. The Course Coordinator, Bachelor of Paramedicine, will assess student applications for make-up time on a case-by-case basis.

A medical certificate or supporting documentation is required for any absences from PEP.